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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022Author

Grrr! Still figuring out this software. My prevailing theory of software design is that if you have to read a manual to use it, it's bad software. Anyway, on the the FB rant I thought I posted.

All this bullshit about Facebook being for "old people" is nothing more than ageist snobbery. I've been on FB since MySpace shat the bed. I've been designing software since the 80s. I know software. FB is buggy but good software. It lets you friend and unfriend instantly, write to your heart's content, compulsively edit as much as you like. It's a safe space for me because I've used it so long I've successfully baffled FB algorithms. FB thinks I'm an African American woman. Consequently I never get targeted by right-wingers. If I do, I zap them instantly...even close relatives. I never get Faux News or any of those other rags.

Facebook makes money. For this reason, it enjoys some protection from being raped and pillaged by the likes of Elon Musk.

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